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The Loss Blog 3

The feeling of disappointment. I hate it. I had to again revisit it when my Dallas Cowboys fell short to the Rams. As I started pointing out all the things that they missed, or things they could have done differently…better….it made me question “How do we learn from our mistakes if we never make any?”

The Cowboys are young team kinda like any new relationship or new job is “young”. Not that the person is young, but just the concept of the job or the relationship. It is young because it is new. You are learning through it, so the mistakes you make might be the mistakes made that make it better or worse.

Mistakes are a part of life because in the end it builds character, shows us how strong we are and that when the going gets tough we don’t give up and quit. So instead of thinking about my game winning touchdown of a marriage, I thought I would think about the pass I dropped when I lost my marriage. (I mean it wasn’t a good throw, but I probably could have one-handed it! 😊 ) Instead of remembering the wins in my life, it was time to recognize the losses. Failure isn’t so bad because it can give you the thrill to want that victory again! And I am so in need of a Victory!